“We’re All Just Walking Each Other Home.”
-Ram Dass
I love that quote.
It says HEY YOU!!! This. This is what it truly is to be alive. We’re in this together.
Greetings. I’m Jill. Devoted student of the human condition, in service to humanity’s healing and evolution. I’m simultaneously baffled and amazed at the perils and potentials that come with this gig. My prognosis? The humans are in some pretty deep shit. This life thing isn’t easy, is it? The potential to love and serve lies in the very same breath of anguish, suffering, and chaos. More than ever, we need guides and healers; alchemists who understand the principles of transmuting darkness into light. We need YOU.
Torch aloft, I’m wondering… How can I help you?
I’ve cut my teeth on the jagged edges of life and offer myself as a channel of Truth. I am a writer and guide, awake and alive, here to serve the servers.
And You?
I imagine your resume tells the story of you, exploring the meandering threads of life that weave a tangled tapestry of suffering and solution. You’re here to make a difference, yes? Born with a particular genius, you’re ready to flex those muscles and offer yourself up as a channel of sacred service to those who need you…
So, How Can I Help You?
My job is to excavate your genius and to effectively, clearly, and beautifully A) organize and B) communicate your offerings. Why?
So that when someone lands on your page, they recognize you as the one they've been seeking.
If you’ve landed here, you’re likely in one of 2 camps as it relates to the holy trifecta of “who you are, what you do, who you serve”.
CAMP 1: You have clarity and now you need some help honing your brand and building out your marketing assets.
CAMP 2: You’re feeling a little murky about how to heed the call that beckons you from beyond… It’s in your bones, teasing you, daring you to explore this deliciously perplexing trifecta. You could use some help getting to the Truth of what you’re here to do and/or how exactly to do it.
Wherever you land, I’ve got you. From website and launch copy to actual mentorship and consulting, I can help.
Wondering how it works? Synergy, baby.
The Synergy Of Service
Synergy /ˈsinərjē/ [noun]: the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.
For each of us to fulfill our purpose, I need you, you need me, they need us. Confused yet? Let me esssplain: when we join together to create something that benefits the highest good of humanity, we produce prosperity for all. Make sense?
We’re all in this together, because, let’s face it, it’s kind of a shitshow out there. Steeped in trauma, blame, and victimization, humans are stuck in destructive patterns of reaction and repression, but when we ban together as individuals striving for health and healing, the health of the collective will begin to shift. We’re just walking each other home in various ways with the beautiful gifts we’ve been given.
My job is to suit you up for the front lines so you can wield the flaming sword of valor and light, bringing love and healing to the masses. Whether you’re ready to launch or need more time in the armory, my genius is all about serving the humans.
If you’re a healer, helper, space holder, truth-teller, wisdom-keeper, or cut from similar cloth, you are my people and I’m at your service.